Thursday, August 5, 2010

Oh, go fly a kite!

Sure, sure. Easier said than done. Our kite flying experience was an "epic failure" as Mateo put it. Maybe we didn't have enough wind. Maybe kite flying requires some level of skill that none of us seem to have. Maybe the kite that we made is defective. Who knows. At least we tried.

After breakfast, I decided we would have a better chance of getting our kite off the ground at the beach rather than the park since it is always more windy at the beach. At least we got a nice day at the beach out of it.

For breakfast we made Corny-Egg Muffin Sandwiches from our menu. They were very good. I was apprehensive about the corn in the egg but it actually gave it a nice sweet twist. The kids liked them. We didn't follow our menu for lunch and dinner since we weren't home for either.

Here is Nico playing in the sand at the beach.

A game of frisbee.


Just before "take-off" - look at those hopeful little faces.

Happy landings.


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