This week we celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. I can't believe that we have been married for 15 years! It has gone by so fast but yet we have created so many memories and we have accomplished so much together in those 15 years. I look forward to many, many more years with this man. For those of you who know me well, you know that I don't B.S. so you know that, just like any other relationship, we have had our ups and downs. It has not always been bliss but at the end of the day, we are in love and continue to work on our love and for that, I am happy. Horacio is my soul mate and there is no one else on this world (well maybe one other...but he lives in Paris with a famous model and they have two kids...) that I would rather share my life with.
Happy Anniversary, honey!There were a few other goings on this week. Viviana came back sans Andy, he is at baseball camp this week. So we have been busy crafting, swimming, cooking and just hanging out.
On Monday we had to take Mia back to my cousin, Lorena. Her daughter, Valentina, was very excited to have her back.
Here she is at her favorite spot in our house. She loved to nestle between the pillows and take long, long naps.

All dolled up and ready to see her family.

Hanging out at Tia Felipa's with Savina (my cousin, Saul's), Valentina, Mateo & Mia.

Ricardo (Lorena's son) going to the market.

Yes, in our family we wear bugs in our hair as decoration. Paulo (Saul's son).

Amazingly, I had some time to dust off my sewing machine this week. I made these Harem pants for Viviana. Here they are without the waistband.

This is what they look like on. They are cute, aren't they? I could have made the crotch longer to give them a more Harem-y look. Next time.

I also made a wallet for Mateo out of black felt. I apologize for the pictures. It was late at night and the lighting was terrible. I also need a better camera...

I embroidered his initials on the outside (M.A.C. for Mateo Asis Casillas).

and of course, you can't give someone a wallet without a little bit of money.

Speaking of which, Mateo had been saving up to order a game he wanted for his X-Box and we took a jar of coins to a Coin Star machine. It seemed like there were more pennies in that jar than anything else so we estimated that he would get, at most $20 from it. Low and Behold, it came to $30.50. Mateo was so stoked because he had enough money to order the game. That really made his day and he realized that when you save, even pennies count.
Oh, I thought I'd show you my very first quilt. I made it when I took a quilting class seven years ago. I made this one for Mateo. It is a sampler quilt so each block is different.

Here is the dedication on the quilt. It is a little poem I wrote for Mateo. You may have to click on the picture to make it a little bigger so that you can read it.

This weekend, we are off to a hiking/camping trip with Mateo's Boy Scout patrol. We will be going to
Henninger Flats in Pasadena. We have to do a 3 mile hike to get to our camp site and it is going to be hot. It has been very hot here all week. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
Happy campings!
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