Missed me?
Well I missed you!
It's been over a week and I have lots to share.
Big Forest Camp Out
Let's see, let's start with the camping trip we took a couple of weekends ago with Mateo's Boy Scout Patrol. As I mentioned, we went to Henninger Flats in Altadena. We had to hike 3 miles to get to the site. If you are ever driving down the 210 Fwy by Altadena and you look toward the mountains, you will notice that there are these light towers on top of the hill. Right next to them, there is a little patch of forest trees. That's how high we hiked! The site is beautiful and once you are up there, the view of the land below and all of the city lights is really breathtaking. Like any forest, this one is inhabited by wild animals and we think our site was visited by a bear, but we don't know for sure.
Before the hike. Look how happy they look. They have no idea of what waits ahead.
Disneyland/California Adventure
On the following Monday, we joined Horacio's sister, Yaret, her husband, Scott and there adorable baby girl, Alyssa at Disneyland. It was such a hot day so we made sure we went on all of the water rides. My legs were so sore. After all of that hiking we did at camp and then walking at Disney, I think I'm good for a while.
Taking a drawing class. We took two classes, one for Chip (from Chip and Dale) and one for Mini Mouse. It was so much fun.
Alec's First Birthday Party!
On Saturday, D&J hosted Alec's first birthday party. It was a movie night camp out themed party. It was so much fun. At the end of the day, we pitched some tents and camped out. Horacio, his brother, Hector, David, and the boys decided to sleep under the stars. Cari, Viviana, Andy, and I were the only ones that slept in the tent. Unfortunately, my camera's battery died so I don't have pictures of that, but it was a scene.
Happy birthday precious, Alec. I love you so much! God bless you!
Teddy Bear Mums with Curly Willow by the kitchen window:
Here are Julian and Mateo (enjoying a burger).
Horacio did a great job operating the popcorn machine and handing it out to all of those little but demanding hands. Here is Savina getting hers.
Happy Birthday Lorena and Rebecca! I love you, sisters!
Well the partying didn't stop there. On Sunday, after we helped D&J clean up their yard and went home for some R&R, we headed out to South Gate to for my cousins, Lorena's and Rebecca's birthday dinner. They were born one year apart on the same day. How cool is that? Lorena and Rebecca are like sisters to me. Growing up, we somehow always lived on the same block or around the corner. My Tia Felipa had four children (Lorena, Rebecca, Saul, and Jose -aka Piro) and my mom had four children (David, Armando, Carina, and me) so there was always a brood of children at either house. It was so much fun growing up. My mom and aunt dedicated so much of their time and talents that I know I am a better person because of it. They loved to celebrate the little and the big events in our lives and I think that is why we (the children) love to celebrate too. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Thank you, Lord!
Unfortunately, I didn't take my camera to the dinner so I don't have any pictures to show you of our get together and Lorena's adorable house. The next time I visit Lorena, I will be sure to take it so that you can all marvel at her decorating talents. She has an amazing gift for making the mundane look spectacular. But I did manage to take some photos of the gifts I made them. I made them each a dish towel.
This one is for Lorena:
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you this part. When we were leaving Lorena's and Ricky's house, Ricky mentioned that he enjoys the man tips he and Horacio exchange. Man tips? I asked. "Oh yeah," Ricky says, "Man tips." So I guess that just as we ladies get together and swap recipes, child rearing advice, and fashion tips, the men get together and exchange man tips. That is awesome! So the man tip for the evening was on the use of charcoal in the Weber. I will share the tip with you so that now it will be unisex. So, when you are gilling and your charcoals turn into ash, you cannot just add another layer of fresh charcoal on top of the ashes, you have to clean it out and then add the fresh charcoal. If you do not clean out the ashes, they will smother the fresh charcoal and it will not work. So there. Now we are all expert grillers. Hooray! Thank you, Horacio and Ricky!
Alrighty then, I am tired. Aren't you? This was a long one. Thank you for hanging in there with me. There was just so much to share. I promise to be more regular about blogging so that I don't have to do a blogathon next time!
Happy Celebrations!