Monday, August 17, 2015

Saying Good-Bye to Abuelita Ursula

Yesterday we lost our grandmother, Ursula. Ursula was actually my cousins' grandmother but she loved and cared for  me and my sister and brothers as her own grandchildren.  Growing up, our paternal grandmother lived in Mexico so we only got to see her about once a year and although I loved my Abuelita Lupe so much and had a very special bond with her, I felt I needed to have a grandmother here that I can see whenever I wanted.   Since I never knew my maternal grandmother, I decided Ursula would be my other Abuelita.  It made sense. My cousins and we (my siblings and I) grew up together and love each other like siblings.  We did everything together as kids and that included visiting abuelita Ursula.
So one day, during one of those visits, I asked her if I could call her abuelita too like my cousins did, and she said, "I am your grandmother" and hugged me.  From that day forward I had a grandmother that I could kiss and hug all the time.  And my cousins were delighted to share her.

It's difficult to explain this dynamic to other people and it's hard for them to understand.  I don't mind.  All I know is that yesterday at 2:05 PM a little piece of my heart went to heaven with an angel.  My abuelita Ursula.

I am so grateful that God gave us the opprtunity to be with her and watch her slip into everlasting life yesterday afternoon.  She lived to be 98.  She was a strong woman.  Righteous and quick to tell you when she dissaproved.  She prayed a lot and never let us leave her house without a blessing.  She lived a good life and she will be dearly missed.

Abuelita Ursula, please tell my Abuelita Lupe that I love her very much and that not a day goes by that I do not think of her.  I hope the two of you are together now praying the rosary like you always did and sending your blessings to your children and grandchildren.  Rest in peace.  I love you so much.

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