I think I owe you a progress report on my sewing month objective: No Progress. Period.
I promise, (and how many times have you heard that before?) that I will get something done this weekend.
Love, Sweet Love
Now on to more exciting stuff and the real reason why I haven't been doing so good on my sewing month pledge, I am having a love affair... with my crochet hook! I have been obsessed with crocheting. I spend every free and waking moment crocheting. As soon as I open my eyes in the morning, my hands assume the crochet position. I quickly run through my chores just to have time to crochet. My husband and child come and go and find me in the same spot, crocheting. I stay up until the wee hours of the night (or morning), crocheting. I think Horacio is getting a little jealous of Mr. Hook. It's sad, I know, but I cannot help it. Ever since I found the creativeyarn blog, I have not stopped. Of course, I also dedicate the obligatory time to my job search. If I am to keep up these obsessions of mine, I must have a way to finance them, right?
So anyway so, this obsession has sparked an even more exciting happening. I am planning on hosting a boutique party to raise funds for cancer research. I will be selling the items inspired by creativeyarn and some of my own designs along with other vendors at the boutique. As you know, October is breast cancer awareness month. It also marks the one year anniversary of my sister-in-law's diagnosis. So the boutique will be in her honor. Here is a sneak peak of my crochet items. They are very simple, casual, and unique fall/winter accessories.
Aren't they cute? I would totally wear these. In fact, it is really hard for me to part with them. For each thing that I make, I want to make another one just for myself. I hope we raise some good money for cancer research.
I did manage to tear away from my crochet hook for just a couple of hours the other night to work on another project. Jeanette had given me an old bulletin board for my studio since I didn't have one. I totally forgot to take a picture of it before I re-did it, so that you can see the before and after, but as you can imagine, it was old. Metal frame and faded cork. But here is the after picture:
I painted the frame red and taped scrapbooking paper on the cork to give it a patchwork design. I'm quite happy with the results. But there is a problem. I don't want to put anything on it now! I'm sure, eventually, I will fill it.
So this little project inspired a whole studio re-do. I cannot afford new and functional furniture so I de-cluttered and moved my existing furniture around. Keep in mind that the space is only a 10x10 room (formerly Horacio's office - until my stuff started to creep in and take over), so I don't have room for a craft table, which I would love, but it is a nice room. It is in the front of the house and has french doors that open up to the front yard. Eventually, when we put in the landscaping, I will look out to beautiful plants and flowers. Anyway, here are some pictures of it:
I still have to re-upholster this chair. The dolls sitting on the chair, were made for me by my abuelita (grandmother) and the little turquoise cabinet that holds my sewing thread was hers and hung in her house for as long as I could remember. This is the other thing that I love about this room, it has reminders of her. My paternal grandmother. She was an artist and a crafter in her own right. I am doubly blessed with the love for creating from both sides of my family. So you see, I have very little say, I am genetically wired to love crafting! I used to spend summers in Mexico with my grandmother and she used to visit us here for months at a time (I'm sure my mom was really happy about that), and she taught me so much about God, love, and creating. Every stitch of clothes she owned, she sewed herself. She had a sewing machine but she preferred to hand sew most of it. Every time I think of her, I see her with a crochet hook, or a colored pencil, or a needle in her hand and a love song or praise song on her lips. She was a sweet, sweet angel and I miss her very much.

Someone else is honoring National Sewing Month...My mom.
My mom came to visit yesterday. It was so nice to spend the day with her. She sewed. I crocheted. Here are the dresses that she has been working on. One of them is for Viviana and the other one she will sell at the boutique. I hope she can make more. The bodice is crocheted in cotton yarn and one the dress' bottom is made from linen while the other one in light weight velvet. They are sweet.
This is the one with the linen bottom:

This one has the velvety bottom:

I did manage to tear away from my crochet hook for just a couple of hours the other night to work on another project. Jeanette had given me an old bulletin board for my studio since I didn't have one. I totally forgot to take a picture of it before I re-did it, so that you can see the before and after, but as you can imagine, it was old. Metal frame and faded cork. But here is the after picture:
So this little project inspired a whole studio re-do. I cannot afford new and functional furniture so I de-cluttered and moved my existing furniture around. Keep in mind that the space is only a 10x10 room (formerly Horacio's office - until my stuff started to creep in and take over), so I don't have room for a craft table, which I would love, but it is a nice room. It is in the front of the house and has french doors that open up to the front yard. Eventually, when we put in the landscaping, I will look out to beautiful plants and flowers. Anyway, here are some pictures of it:
Someone else is honoring National Sewing Month...My mom.
My mom came to visit yesterday. It was so nice to spend the day with her. She sewed. I crocheted. Here are the dresses that she has been working on. One of them is for Viviana and the other one she will sell at the boutique. I hope she can make more. The bodice is crocheted in cotton yarn and one the dress' bottom is made from linen while the other one in light weight velvet. They are sweet.
This is the one with the linen bottom:
I love them!
Happy weekend!
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