Saturday, August 30, 2014

My Sad Little Do-it-Yourself-Home-Manicure

I don't know about y'all, but Pinterest and YouTube are making me sad.  I live on this constant emotional roller coaster of inspiration and disappointment.  All of those professionally curated pictures plague my mind all day and haunt my dreams at night.  Miles upon miles of pictures pinned to my virtual inspiration boards.  With each pin I pin, a little piece of my heart goes with it.  Tacked to my wall of shame are all of the projects that live in my imagination.  It's not that Pinterest and YouTube are to blame, it's just that you almost have to have a live-in nanny, cleaning lady, and cook while being a stay-home mom to have time to do all of the projects that that they say you can do.

Well guess who's winning this tug-of-war.  The husband and child are happily rubbing their full tummies like hogs in...I don't know what.  Rolling around in their meticulously clean home.  One day, when I retire, I'll have time to quilt and knit and do all of those things that I used to do.

Wait a minute...I seem to remember that in the not so distant past, I used to knit and quilt and bake and even dabble in cross stitching.  So what happened?  Have they suddenly and unbeknown to us made the days shorter?  Did someone seal the doors of my craft/guest room?  Did my husband sell all of my craft supplies in our last yard sale?  No, people, the answer is no.

I'm not making big promises but it's time I take the craft bull by the horns and reclaim it. I will, once again, be an inhabitant of this self-gratifying, pat-yourself-on-the-back world of DIY.

Right about now I bet you're telling yourself, "Good for you, Sara.  But what does all that have to do with a manicure?"

Lots I tell you!  My sad little manicure is my way of easing back into the program.  Why do I call it sad?  See for yourself.  It bears no resemblance to my pin which made be believe that I could actually achieve a glitter gradient polish.  Heck, I can't even take a nice picture of my wrinkly, ungraceful hands.  But what the hey, who cares!  Baby, I'm back!

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