Monday, February 11, 2013

Oh, Happy Days - Birthday Weekend!

Happy birthday to me!

We had a very small dinner party on Saturday for my birthday.  I roasted some chickens, Cari made a wonderful warm quinoa salad, my mom made mash potatoes and I baked my cake.  My sister Cari offered to bake my cake and Mr. H was wondering why I decided to bake my own cake this year.  I came across this recipe for old fashion cake and I wanted to try it.  Besides, baking is a treat for me and it felt good to bake my own cake.  This is a really easy cake and it uses only egg whites instead of the whole egg so it's a little healthy, right?  I love how it matches the colors of the tulips that I got from my dear friends, the Edlands.

On Sunday, Mr. H took me to the ballet.  This was our first professional ballet.  I have been to plenty of musicals and operas but I have never been to a real ballet so I was really excited.  The story was The Little Mermaid.  The interpretation was interesting, a bit darker and probably more close to the actual story than the Disney interpretation.  Now, I want to read the actual story by Hans Christian Andersen.

To cap the weekend, we had dinner at David and Jeanette's.  David made his wonderful Asian soup.  It hit the spot on such a cold night, and after a weekend of reckless eating, it was just the right thing.  Light and satisfying.

I am so grateful to all of the wonderful people in my life.  I feel truly lucky to be surrounded by such a caring and loving and thoughtful bunch!  God bless them all!

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