I wish the season of Christmas was longer and I had more
time to visit loved ones and see all of their beautiful decorations. It's
fun to see how the person's unique style is accomplished in their Christmas
decorating. But Christmas decorating is more than just expressing your
style. It is about recalling cherished memories that this beautiful occasion seems to evoke. With each ornament or figuring that is taken out
of its box, dusted, and carefully displayed are stories, feelings and memories.
Maybe it's something you bought on your travels or something you received as
gift from someone special. Maybe it reminds you of a special time, a special event or even a
special meal. Maybe some of your decorations have been passed down and
each time you look at them you are reminded of a loved one that is no longer
here. They may not be the prettiest of decorations but they are special
all the same. In our home we have an eclectic collection of decorations and
because of the memories they carry, they will always be in our home. I'll share some pictures of our Christmas
decorations soon. For now, enjoy some of the decorations from my mom's home. I just love her sense of style and creativity. Christmas is such a
beautiful time. It is a time to renew our faith and prepare our hearts
for the coming of our Savior and it is a time to honor traditions and cherish
God bless all!
well said Sara...your mom has a gorgeous tree