July 1 marked my one year blog-a-versary and I completely blew it off. How can I be so careless? My poor little blog. Forgotten, like it never meant anything to me. Like an old sun-bleached, dusty toy. Yet, this little blog o'mine remained quiet and dignified. It never nagged. It never hinted. It just waited and waited until I got myself together and got me enough sense to remember our anniversary. I'm sorry little blog. I feel terrible about forgetting.
Intermission - I am reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett and everything I say now comes out in a Southern drawl. Even this entry.
I wish I was as cool as other bloggers and have some snazzy give away or something to mark this anniversary but I am not so I don't. Sorry!
'Course, one birthday I never forget is my sweetheart's. Mr. Casillas celebrated birthday number forty-two on June 25th. I baked him my go-to birthday cake, Recipe 66 from my favorite chocolate dessert recipe book that I got from my beautiful sister, Max Brenner's Chocolate: A Love Story. But instead of using the frosting in the recipe I made a chocolate-peanut butter frosting since that is hubby's favorite chocolate combination.

Happy Birthday, Baby!
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