This weekend, the weather was so chilly, it actually felt like Christmastime. And the perfect time to get the tree and haul out the decorations.
So we headed over to the forest (Home Depot) to pick out the best tree.

We found it! A beautiful, perfect, 7-foot Noble Fir.

Ooh scary...

We had the logger (Home Depot guy) chop it down (not really) for us and we brought it home to decorate. When we got home Mr. Casillas pointed out the leaves on the ground which made me look up at the trees and I noticed how beautiful they were in their golden and fiery orange splendor. You caught that huh? He says look down and I look up. That's how we roll. Anyway, since we are in the burbs and sometimes it's difficult to feel at one with nature, I am so grateful that my neighbor, Rhoda, planted these trees 50 years ago when our street was only half the size of what it is today. Thanks to her, we have a beautiful Maple Tree-lined street (well only half way down anyway).

So now all our decorations (inside the house) are up. Thank goodness my mom came over to help! Mr. Casillas still has to get around to putting up the lights outside but at least the inside is done and that makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
Since Mateo was a baby, I have been putting a tree in his room. Here is the tree onhis wall:

And here is his real little tree. Every year we buy him an ornament to put in his tree. We try to get him something that is relevant and meaningful to whatever stage in life he is in or what ever he is digging that year. One year, at our vacation in Puerto Vallarta, we got him a
Huichol egg. Hopefully, he'll remember what a wonderful vacation that was. Last year Horacio got him a Yorkie figurine (not knowing that would be Penny's last Christmas). This year I got him a glass trumpet to mark his increased appreciation for music and playing an instrument. His tree is also the catch-all tree where all the unwanted and weird ornaments go. Hee! He is so sweet. He always acts as though he really loves his ornaments. I think he does but I think he used to appreciate them more when he was a little boy and I hope that some day when he has his own little family, he will put them up on their tree and remember how much he is loved and how much we want to give him the best life we can.

Last year after Christmas, I got these little village houses on sale at Target. Too bad they don't have them again this year. Oh, except for the little church on the far left. We got that one from our dear neighbor, Tiny who passed away a few years ago. He made that little church and it is just so special. I put them on the buffet in the dining room. Don't they look sweet? I wish you could see how beautiful they look in person.

Okay, guys. Sorry for the blurry picture of our tree. As you well know, I don't really have a good camera and I couldn't get a nice picture of the tree. I tried it with lights on, then with the lights off, then with the flash on, then with the flash off. I give up. But you get the idea.

Anyway, several years ago, they had Shabby Chic ornaments at Target and I scored some at their after Christmas sale. These glittered sparrows were part of my loot

and my tree topper. Again, and I don't know why Target does this, they have something really great and beautiful and then they stop carrying it. Annoy!

This is my kitchen tree. This one has a candy-ish theme. At least the colors are candy-like. This year, my mom made a gum drop garland for it that just ties it all together.

It's such hard work to put up all of the decorations but in the end, it is so worth it.
I hope you have your decorations up too. Enjoy them and remember that Christmas is not just about decorating your house but it is also about decorating your spirit in the true meaning of the season.
Good tidings!
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