Isn't it great that this month we have a day on the calendar dedicated to thankfulness?
Yes, I have so much to be thankful for. So rather than bore you, I will only list my top 21.
Yes 21.
I am thankful:
- for our loving and merciful God.
- that at this very moment, my sister-in-law, Ederlen, is undergoing surgery (masectomy, reconstruction, and partial removal of liver). This surgery is major and although I wish she would never had needed it, I believe that this will be a defining moment in her journey to becoming cancer-free.
- for my husband and child. They make me crazy sometimes but I am happy to be crazy for them! Horacio, my love, my rock. Mateo, God's gift. I will never know a greater love than the love I feel for them.
- I am NOT thankful that I got laid-off from my job in January, but I am thankful that in being at home I was able to be here for my parents and brother when they needed me most.
- for drug treatment centers and the people who work in them. With their help and God's divine intervention, my little brother has a second chance.
- for my sister, Cari. Although she is the baby, she is such an inspiration to me in so many ways.
- for my brother, David and his wife Jeanette for their hospitality and willingness to share the burdens of life.
- for my nieces and nephews. They fill that little empty space in my heart and they quench my longing for more children. I am thankful for their naughtiness because then they make me feel better that I only have one!
- for my parents and the balance and stability they provide in my life. Especially my mom, my friend, my confidant.
- for my mother-in-law, "Mami Nacha." She is the essence of dignity, humility, and elegance.
- for my cousins. God's merciful way of providing extended family so that we never have to feel alone.
- for my aunts, Felipa and Concha for always making me feel like a daughter.
- for the joy that knitting, crocheting, sewing and crafting bring to my life.
- for my friends for accepting me and laughing at my silliness.
- for prayer.
- for God's Word.
- for nature. There is nothing that makes me feel closer to God than when I am admiring nature and its beauty.
- for mornings. I love mornings. No matter how bad yesterday was, each morning brings renewal.
- for forgiveness.
- for unconditional love. There is nothing we can do to merit love. If it not be for unconditional love, we would not know true love.
- for my faith. Without out, I would not be able to sit here now and be thankful for all of the difficult valleys that I have gone through.
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